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Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood

Earth Element

"The Earth Element's foundation of peace gives us a place to put down roots and gain nourishment."

Earth Element

The Earth Element of late summer is a season of harvest and a time for grounding; to connect with the earth, family, and friends. A time for gratitude and to nurture those around us. Its strength is to remain calm in the midst of turbulence.  


An imbalance in the Earth Element leaves us feeling disconnected, ungrateful, and unappreciated. It can overwhelm us with worry and produce resentment that rocks our world like an earthquake. It can lead to becoming overly invested, intrusive, or even smothering to the lives around you.


A little comfort, connection, and grounding can go a long way at this time of year. Spend time connecting to the Earth, do some gardening, walk on the beach, and spend time in nature. Take off your shoes and let the soles of your feet touch the soil.


Nurture yourself and reconnect by disconnecting (or reducing exposure) from electronics while connecting with nature and humans first hand. Gather together, share the seasonal foods and the abundance of harvest in this season. Take time to ponder everything deeper; don't make decisions quickly. Slow down, nourish yourself, and reconnect with those around you until you overflow once again with compassion, kindness, and generosity. 



"The Earth Element's foundation of peace 

gives us a place to put down roots

and gain nourishment."

Girl Lying in Grass

Earth Energy In Action


Find a place where you can do a little Earthing or Grounding.


Is there a beach or lake nearby where you can sink your feet deep into the warm sand and take that moment to breathe and connect? This also works in soil. The less disturbed (and fewer chemicals), the better, but a yard or lawn will do in a pinch. You won’t be sinking your feet into the soil, but you can lie on the ground, gaining as much contact with the ground as possible.


Imagine yourself with roots that anchor you to the earth. As a tree drinks water and vital nutrients from the soil, imagine the slow wicking of grounding energy, warm and peaceful, as it moves through your feet, legs, abdomen, chest, arms, and head. Feel connected, nourished, and appreciated.


God created the earth's energy for you, to support you, to ground you, and give you a firm foundation as a reminder of Himself and our need for His foundational truths and everlasting nourishment.   


Now take an occasional deep breath, let it out slowly, and allow your thoughts to meander from one quiet gratitude to another. Find anything that you can say “thank you” about, and let these blessings pile up like a mound of earth to support you in the days ahead.     

#fiveelements #earthelement #earthenergy #grounding #earthing  




Winter's energy of quietness, a time for stillness and wisdom.

Tree Lined Park


Spring's energy of growth, a time for expansion, and thriving.​



Summer's energy of joy, a time for laughter, and physical activity.

Forest Path


Late summer's energy of grounding, a time for connection and nourishment.

Learn More
Ocean Rocks


Autumn's energy of release, a time for refinement, and purification.

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