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Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood

Water Element

"Winter demonstrates stillness as an action that encourages wisdom."

Water Element

The Water Element of winter is a season of rest and introspection. A time for reflection and to immerse yourself in deeper understanding. Its strength is wisdom.  


An imbalance in the Water Element leaves us feeling depressed, afraid, aloof, or lacking willpower. This imbalance can overwhelm us with fear, produce phobias, and cause difficulty coping with even the simplest tasks. Being exhausted, over-stressed, frequently complaining, living in fear, unable to sleep, and having recurring anxiety can be signs of an imbalance in the Water Element. 


In our busy, Western culture, the Water Element is often the most neglected, and its value is ignored. Yet without the Water Element, the entire system is out of balance. 


A little meditation, stillness, and prayer can go a long way at this time of year. Make time for yourself, quiet time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate your spirit.


Stillness is not stagnation; it's the critical action of gaining wisdom and gathering strength. Pour yourself into truth. Like the ocean, the surface may be in turmoil, yet it's often deeper than we realize, overflowing with far more to discover, and there is calm within its depths.  


Sunrise on Matterhorn from Riffelsee

"Winter demonstrates stillness as an action that encourages wisdom."

Man Looking Out to the Mountains

#fiveelements #waterelement #reflection #wisdom   

Water Energy In Action


Discover the value and art of slowing down. 


Western culture encourages us to believe that being busy, having to rush or multi-task makes us important. During this winter season, instead of slowing down, the world picks up pace, adds stress, and increases busy schedules, yet all of nature slows down. Our value doesn't come from how busy we are, our value comes from God. We are already more valuable and loved than we can comprehend.


God created the Water Element in winter as a time of rest, a time to slow down. This season follows the Metal Element of autumn, where we discerned the superficial from the things most important. In Winter, we deepen that process and submerge ourselves into the depths of absolute truth and wisdom. Truth and wisdom will be the well of water that you draw from throughout the year. Now is the time to replenish that well.   


Beyond just reading the Bible, take this season to study it deeper. Drink in its wisdom, and explore its depths, further than you've gone before. This is often a slow and intimate process, the perfect time to sink into your favorite chair by the fireplace, pull a warm blanket over you, and settle in for some deep reading. 


Not sure where to begin? There are countless commentaries on every verse and subject in the Bible. Choose a verse and then read or listen to a commentary, but don't forget to check their words for truth. If it doesn't line up with the rest of the Bible, find something that does.


Depth is a process that the stillness of winter encourages. Our ever-transforming journey toward wisdom is often slow and challenging, but the rewards and blessings are beyond description and more powerful than this world.




Winter's energy of quietness, a time for stillness and wisdom.

Tree Lined Park


Spring's energy of growth, a time for expansion, and thriving.​



Summer's energy of joy, a time for laughter, and physical activity.

Forest Path


Late summer's energy of grounding, a time for connection and nourishment.

Learn More
Ocean Rocks


Autumn's energy of release, a time for refinement, and purification.

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